HQ 2: 220-230; pages 35+36

Welcome Friends:  Ahlan wa sahlan!

In yesterday’s Reading we dealt briefly with important Qur’anic concepts that DO deserve more scrutiny, most important among them is the concept of ‘tahreem- تحريم’ or ‘prohibition,’ so we’ll try to recap before we comment on today’s reading.


  1. We often hear people offering reasons for the ‘tahreem/prohibition’ of pork and certain meats, but what many of us do not realize, is that obedience to ‘tahreem’ IS in itself an act of worship that enhances our Awareness and does NOT require any further explanation or ‘raison d’être.’  You either believe and observe, or you don’t (as in the rites of Fasting, for example). Indeed the most important distinction between what is ‘Ithm’ and what is ‘muharram/forbidden’ is that, in the latter, there is no argument.

In comparison, we will notice that, in the case of ‘khamr/intoxicants/drugs’ and ‘Meyssir/easy gain, the Qur’an gives us reasons.  It tells us that, although there is some advantage to them, the disadvantages of their ‘Ithm’ outweigh the advantages.  It tells us that these practices result in aggression and hatred (HQ 5:90), and prevent us from the remembrance of God and from maintaining proper relationships with each other, and with Him (the root-verb of ‘Salaat’ is ‘silah’ or communion/relationship).  The Qur’an also tells us that we would be following the missteps of ‘Satan,’ perhaps warning us that ‘khamr’ (which we should steer clear of) is not unlike the tree which Adam was told not to approach.

Finally, we must highlight a general Qur’anic principle: God, throughout this Message – proven by His Messenger – has indeed sanctioned for humanity all of that which is wholesome (الطيبات), and has forbidden us only from that which is unwholesome.. (الخبائث)  as stated in HQ 7:157.

  1. Verse 220 is about the treatment of orphans.  Kindness and generosity with them is often mentioned in the Qur’an (it’s been mentioned 3 times so far: 2:83; 2:177; 2:215).
  1. It is more likely that verse (HQ 2:221), like so many others in the Qur’an, addresses the Muslim community of men and women, rather than men alone, as is commonly understood.  Indeed, there is an accepted reading of the word ‘tankahu’ (تَنكحوا المشركات) as ‘tunkihu’(تُنْكِحوا المشركات)  – (meaning to marry off these women, rather than to marry them yourselves) which supports this broader understanding of the verse (as explained by Zamakhshari).
  1. The remaining verses are about the spousal relationship, well-explained by Yusuf Ali and Muhammad Asad, and the subject continues in tomorrow’s reading.  I have nothing to add.
  1. Verse 225 relates to oaths and means for atonement, while Verses 226-230 relate to divorce. These matters have become more related to Fiqh than anything else, with legalities that bind people’s behavior and rights.  Anyway, the discussion continues tomorrow.

Enough said!

Tomorrow’s reading is from verse 231-237.

Peace unto all!

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