HQ 9:73-85, pages 199+200

Welcome Friends:  Ahlan wa sahlan!

This post is all about the Hypocrites.

Remember the beginning of Suratul Baqara, Chapter 2 of the Qur’an, where Verses 2-5 described The Aware, the next two verses described those who Denied, and the next THIRTEEN verses described those in whose heart is dis-ease?  Although unnamed at that time, it was clear by description that the latter were the Hypocrites, notable for their attempts to deceive.  Outrageous as it may seem, they were said to be attempting to deceive God/ yukhaadi3oon Allah!!

Yusuf Ali’s Translation of this Chapter.

Muhammad Asad’s Translation of this Chapter.


1.  Verse 73:

‘O Prophet, continuously exert yourself/’jaahid’ in relation to The Deniers and The Hypocrites, and be tough/firm/‘w-aghluTh’ against them and their refuge is Hell, and a dire destination.

Note the first commands addressed specifically to the Prophet, peace upon him, by his designation as Prophet rather than Messenger.

Also note the two groups he was dealing with (the idol-worshipping Deniers of Qureish, and the Hypocrites who had pretended to follow him but were actually plotting against him).
Read the verse, as translated by Ali and Asad.

How often has this verse been mis-explained and taken out of context!!

The Prophet’s ‘Jihaad’ in relation to the Deniers was all about not letting them gain the upper hand against his community (which included the Hypocrites). 

The Prophet’s ‘Jihaad’ in relation to Hypocrites was all about being patient with them AND resilient in the face of all the discord they were attempting to sow within the ranks of Those Who had Attained faith!

In other words, keeping his community at Peace.

-Extremists have misunderstood such a verse-or purposefully taken it- as a general directive which they could apply against anyone of different attitudes and actions (justifying their attacks against Muslims too, since they consider anyone who does not believe as they do ‘a hypocrite’).

-Intellectuals worldwide have not helped, since hardly anyone has challenged the completely incorrect explanations of both the words ‘jaahid’ AND ‘ughluth’ and some might have even validated the misconception by echoing it.

Simple research easily shows the obvious, in that the word ‘jihad جهاد (and its command jaahid جاهِد) is general; mostly about physical, spiritual, and financial struggle.  We have a good example in verses HQ 29:8 and 31:15 which tell us of PARENTS who ‘struggle جاهدا’ against their children, attempting to dissuade them from worshipping God Alone.  Their exertion against their children is hardly an ARMED struggle!

However, the Qur’an has NEVER indicated the taking up of arms against The Hypocrites, nor has The Prophet ever fought them.  Quite the contrary: He treated them with leniency, neither calling them to account, nor rebuking them for their actions or inaction.  As we shall see in Verse 84, he knew all about them, accepted them in the mosque, attended their burial when they died and even prayed for the deceased!

The ‘jihad’ and the ‘toughness’ in this verse cannot be related to warfare or armed struggle since, with regard to Hypocrites, it never happened.  The consequence for their actions, as we see in the verses, is not to be delivered to them by human hand, but rather, by God Himself.

2. To any who still insist that this verse is about an ‘armed’ struggle, we offer the following important observation: 

These commands are not only directed against the two specific parties mentioned above, but they are also specific to Muhammad peace upon him in his role AS PROPHET, relative to people around him.

This issue relates to the importance of ‘names,’ the first lesson taught to Adam!  There is a remarkable difference between the words ‘Prophet’ and ‘Messenger’ (see Blogpost Day 94).

The Prophet, as highlighted by his designation, was a man prominent among people, interacting with them in his daily life, eating, drinking, marrying among them, and being personally impacted by them.  He was human, albeit the best of humankind, known to have asked for -and accepted- the better advice of his people. 

As Prophet he could make mistakes –and did make a few– after which he submitted humbly to being publicly corrected by God, delivering fully –in his capacity as Messenger– all the verses that had corrected him in his role as Prophet.

As for being ‘Messenger,’ as highlighted by the designation, he was a delegated bearer of God’s Message, to deliver it in full without question or hesitation.  His Messengership was above anything and anyone, impacted by nothing in his delivery of God’s Message.  His delivery was complete and perfect, overseen by God Who had taken it upon Himself to put the Message together, deliver it (through him) as Qur’an, and make it clear (in its Arabi tongue).

In both his capacity as Prophet and as Messenger, Muhammad, peace upon him, was exemplary, and was able to lift his entire community to being exemplary as well, called by God at that time THE BEST of communities to be brought forth for (the benefit of) Humankind![1]

In conclusion, let us note that in Q.25:52 the Messenger (and the listener) is called to ‘do jihaad’ exerting himself towards the Deniers, thus:

‘So do not obey The Deniers and exert yourself IN IT (in the Message) with great exertion.’  

Here we note that Jihaad was specified to be IN THE QUR’AN itself, in the Message.

Most people have missed this! 

In fact, it should be our aim to present amiable Deniers with the Qur’an in the best way possible, for Deniers are a people who do not know!  The best way would, of course, be by our behavior, but getting them to LISTEN to God’s Word is very important.  See Verse 9:6.

3. Verse 74 speaks of the Hypocrites; they denied after having announced their pure accountability and reverence to God.  Here too, we notice that the consequence of their actions is Divinely delivered.


We might be surprised to find the door of Repentance open for them, but it is God, our Most Compassionate Creator who is speaking.  La Ilaaha illa Allah….

4. Verses 757677 relate to their asking God for His bounty, pledging in return to do good deeds and be charitable.  Needless to say, they did not honor their pledge. Their dishonesty and lack of integrity bred Hypocrisy in their hearts/minds which shall remain with them until the day they meet Him!

Verse 78 questions them as to having under-estimated God’s knowledge; don’t they realize that God knows their most concealed (thoughts, feelings, spiritual, mental, physical states etc); He is the Most-Knowing/3allaam of all the unseen and unperceived (things/dimensions/ghuyoob,’ plural of gheyb).

Verse 79 tells us that they used to discredit The Faithful for the Sadaqaat/genuine heartfelt gifts which they gave, and also scorn/belittle those among the Faithful who could find nothing to offer but their juhd/exertion, their effort.  The verse ends with a dire ending for the hypocrites in that God Himself shall belittle them and they shall have painful suffering.

5.  Verse 80 tells the Prophet that they will never be forgiven, even if he were to pray for them 70 times. They denied God and His Messenger and deserted Faith, and God guides not ‘Al Faasiqeen/ the Deserters/Breachers of Faith,’

Verse 81 describes the feelings and conversations of the hypocrites who rejoicingly lagged behind during the Battle of Tabuk, wanting neither to exert themselves financially nor physically, citing excuses such as hot weather: The fire of Jahannam is hotter if but they were to discern/ comprehend.

Verse 82  is a short and amazingly eloquent in its warning, emphasizing the contrast between laughter and tears as well as the shortness of life compared to the length of the Hereafter!

6.   Verse 83 was a closing announcement for some of the laggards, barring them from ever traveling with the Prophet or joining his army.  Having sat back when all had gotten up, they would never be allowed to join the Faithful!

This is something we should also think of whenever we hear a call to do good and sit back, may God forgive us.  It might just be that -having initially lagged- we would never be given that opportunity again!

Verse 84, as we alluded to earlier, shows that the Prophet, peace upon him, up UNTIL the revelation of this verse, had been attending their burial when they died and praying for them.  NOT anymore!

At this point he was given exclusive information of who The Hypocrites were, after which he never attended a hypocrite’s burial nor prayed for their deceased ever again.

Verse 85 is a near identical repetition of verse 55, telling the Prophet (and us) not to look with esteem at what they (the hypocrites) may have of wealth or progeny.  These shall be -TO them- a source of suffering in this life, causing them to overstep their own selves, debasing themselves even as they continue to deny.  

As we said earlier when we read Verse 55, this should be a wake-up call to all who would go against their accountability standard and their better judgment for the sake of their children or their wealth.

Enough said!

Our next Reading is from HQ 9: 86-99.

Peace unto all!

[1] We mentioned something similar in Blogposts Day 47 and Day 72.

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